Monday 9 October 2023


Copy and complete the mind map above

VIDEO 1 (2,4 min)

VIDEO 2 (3,11 min)

VIDEO 3 - BIOLOGY (4 min)

ACTIVITY 1 - Some yes/no questions about the video:

  • Have protists got a nucleus?

  • Have they got simple organelles?

  • Are there any unicellular protists?

  • Are there any multicellular protists?

  • Do some protists share characteristics with other kingdoms?

  • Do they get food in the same way?

  • Are protozoans and algae protists?

  • Can we find protists in a pond?

VIDEO 4 (Most of them are unicellular) (1 min)

ALGAE  (Unicellular or multicellular)

An AMOEBA is an example of a protist (Unicellular)