Wednesday 17 April 2024

Ancient History: The Iberian Peninsula 2 (activities)

Activity 1 - Quiz practice
  1. They occupied the northern and central areas of the Iberian peninsula. 
  2. They lived along the Mediterranean coast.
  3. They established cities on the peninsula, especially along the coast.
  4. They founded Cartagena.
  5. They founded Cádiz.
  6. They founded Ampurias and Rosas. 
  7. They arrived to our peninsula in the year 218 B.C. and named the Iberian Peninsula “Hispania”.
  8. It was a city to the North of Soria who resisted for 20 years the Roman attacks.
  9. He was a Roman military who isolated Numancia and after some time he got to invade the city.
  10. He was the leader of the Lusitanian people who fought against Romans in Western Hispania
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