Thursday 16 May 2024

Middle Ages: Society

Have a look at the interactive presentation.

Try to click on different pictures to discover more information.
There are also some buttons, if you click them, you will watch a video.

Once you have found out all the important information about how society was in the Iberian Peninsula during Middle Ages, do the following tasks.

You should write the answers in your notebook or mini book of History. Don't forget to write the date and a title: MIDDLE AGES: Society

1. Who was Averroes?

2. Name two of the most important economic activities in Al-Ándalus. 

3. Investigate on the internet: what advances in farming did Muslims develop in Al-Andalus?

4. Name three places that were very important in cities in Al-Ándalus.
Then, explain their function.

5. Why was Al-Ándalus one of the most advanced societies in Europe? 
Which was its brightest period?

6. Why did most people in Christian Kingdoms live in villages in the countryside during the beginning of the Middle Ages?

7. What was feudalism?
Who were the feudal lords?

8. Who were the peasants?
What was their job?
Did they get something for their job?

9. What were knights' job?

10. What happened in the 13th century in Christian Kingdoms?
Describe cities at that time: roads, buildings, organization...

11. What is a guild?

12. Look up pictures on the internet of these places:
  • Mezquita de Córdoba
  • Alhambra de Granada
  • Catedral de Burgos
  • Catedral de Santiago de Compostela
  • Catedral de Mallorca
What do you think about them?
Have you visited them?