Monday 13 May 2024

Middle Ages: Visigoths and Muslims

Have a look at the interactive presentation.

Try to click on different pictures to discover more information.
There are also some buttons, if you click them, you will watch a video.

Once you have found out all the important information about Visigoths and Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula during Middle Ages, do the following tasks.

You should write the answers in your notebook or mini book of History. Don't forget to write the date and a title: MIDDLE AGES: Visigoths and Muslims

1. When (year) did the Middle Ages start? 
What event marked the end of Ancient History and the beginning of the Middle Ages?

2. When (year) did the Middle Ages finish? 
What happened that year?

3. Who were the Visigoths? 
Where did they establish their Kingdom?

4. Which city was the capital of the Visigothic Kingdom? 
When (year) was it named the capital?

5. What important event happened during the Reign of Recaredo I? 
When (year) did it happen?

6. Name four characteristics of Islam:
  • Followers name:
  • Prophet:
  • God:
  • Sacred book:
7. When (year) did the Muslims conquer the Visigothic kingdom? 
What is the name of the battle they won?

8. What is the name the Muslims gave to their territory in the Iberian Peninsula?

9. Complete the chart about these two stages of Al Andalus:

Name of the period
First governor
Other information
Emirate of Cordoba

Caliphate of Cordoba

10. What were the Taifas kingdoms?
When (year) did they start?