Friday 17 May 2024

Quiz Practice - Middle Ages - Society

1. It is a network of pilgrims’ ways to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia where legends hold that St. James´s remains were buried.

2. It was the legal, economic and social system in the Middle Ages. Vassals were protected by their lords and were required to serve under them.

3. They were the lord’s vassals. They defended his lands.

4. Professional groups formed by workers such as artisans. 

5. A Muslim market.

6. A Muslim fortress.

7. Most important Muslim monument in Granada.

8. Most important Muslim monument in Córdoba. 

9. The first caliph in Córdoba.

10. They were nobles who lived in castles.

11. Capital of the Kingdom of Visigoths in the peninsula.

12. Visigoth king who established the catholicism as the only religion in the kingdom.

13. Name given to the peninsula by the Muslims.

14. Muslim rulers in their empire.

15. Muslim polymath who wrote important essays.

16. A symbol of prosperity in Medieval cities.

17. Name given to the Christian leaders: bishops, priests, nuns, monks...

18. Three main cultures mixed in medieval cities.

19. Muslim advance in farming.

20. Medieval cities were often surrounded by them for protection.

21. Write the names of three Christian Kingdoms established in the north of the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages.

22.An important Christian king who promoted the education and culture by translating books from Latin and Arabic to Castillian. He was also named ‘The Wise’ (El Sabio).

23. An important knight who fought against the Muslims and is the main character of a famous epic poem.

24. The commander who stopped the invasion of Muslims in Asturias. He won the first battle against Muslims.

25. This battle was the first victory by Christians since Muslims invaded the Iberian Peninsula in 711.

26. He was called the Saint (El Santo) as he unified the kingdoms of Castilla and León.

27. He was called the Conqueror (El Conquistador) and he became king of Aragón and Barcelona at the age of 5.

28. He was called the Brave (El Valiente) as he conquered Toledo in 1085.

29. Name given to the period in which Christians fought to conquer the peninsula from Muslims.

30. Event that marked the end of the Middle Ages.


This is a great summary! Use subtitles!